Loose Change: 10/7/08

Personal Finance:
-If your property value has decreased significantly, consider getting the value reassessed. You might be able to shave thousands off the property tax tab. [Passive Dad]
-Saying goodbye is never easy, but here are nine signs that it might be time to can your financial planner. [Wise Bread]
-Prepping the home for a recession. [Frugal Dad]

-The psychological core of why investors are freaking out right now: a loss of control. [WSJ]
-MSN Money launched their New Investor Center. Has a glossary, some tools and primers on investing. And some quirky content, like how a Nintendo Wii can teach you about investing. Thus solidifying the fact that the Wii can do EVERYTHING. [MSN]
-Oil and gas investment returns are expected to be weak in 2009, Oppenheimer & Co. says. [Barron’s]

Other Lint:
-Fannie Mae will forgive the loan for Addie Polk, a 90-year-old who shot herself twice in the upper body as she was being forcibly evicted from her home. [CNN]
-If you aren’t a regular listener to This American Life, well, become one. If you only listen to one of their shows make it this one about the economy (also on iTunes). [This American Life]
-Here’s a (literal) wallet story to give you the Tuesday morning warm fuzzies. A man in Mankato, Minn., found a lost wallet and returned it to the owner on foot. Yeah, not huge news, but it made someone’s day. [Free Press]

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